IC-501: Combination pH Electrode for Micro Wells
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IC-501: Combination pH Electrode for Micro Wells

This pH electrode requires no external reference and it is designed to fit small perfusion chambers without effecting fluid exchange rate.

Calibration and Use:
1. Connect the pH electrode to the BNC Input of a pH meter.
2. Place the tip of the electrode in pH 7.00 buffer and set the meter to pH 7.00.
3. Then calibrate in pH 4.00 or pH 10.00 buffer.

1. Response Time: About 5 seconds, in a well stirred solution.
2. Stability: Within 0.05pH/day.
3. Slope: Over 55mV/pH in the pH range of 1-14.
4. Impedance: Typically 300 Meg-Ohm.
5. O.D. of the pH bulb: 0.75mm at the end of the 1.5inch long shaft.

1. This electrode is prefilled with the reference solution.
2. If the tip of the reference electrode becomes blocked, open the luer cap and apply a slight pressure through the luer port. The reference solution will appear at the tip. Fill tee fitting and put luer cap back in its place.
3. After each use, rinse the tip in distilled water and store dry in the cap provided.